Happy Monday! Yesterday Nick and I entered the Long Lake ice fishing tournament. It was from 2-4... I didn't think that there would be a big crowd being the superbowl kicked off at 5. I was wrong!!! There were SO many people! It was only $2 per ticket but you could only use 1 hole... I am not ususally for ice fishing without atleast a portable house.. but Nick really wanted me there... so I went.. good quality time, right? Well when 3:30 came along and we hadn't even had a bite... we were getting discouraged. Well, at 4 when the tournament was over, they announced that they were going to draw a raffle ticket for the prize for biggest fish.... What the heck??? Not one fish was caught by hundreds of people in 2 hours!!!!! That has to be some sort of record! Atleast it was nice out yesterday..... sunny too!!
What fun. I use to fish the Forest Lake Ice fishing contest. Never won anything or caught anything. Maybe next time. If you had fun together..then that is all that counts. Grannie love both of you
Hey Christine -
I got the link to your blog through yor grandma. I look forward to reading about your life since I have seen you all of like 5times..maybe!
How fun. I've never been a fan of ice fishing. My dad scared the crap out of me when I was a kid... :(
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