Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A great weekend!!!!

I have so much to tell you! To start with...... Valentine's Day was AMAZING!!!!!!! Nick is the best boyfriend in the whole world.. and not just because he bought me the 1/2 karat princess cut diamond earings that I have been wanting!!!!! We went to Timberlodge for dinner!!! We had a 4 course dinner... It was great! I can't believe that this was our FIFTH Valentine's Day together! AWW! This past weekend we went with my parents to Lake Alexander in Lincoln, MN. We actually caught fish!! I had wanted to go to Mille Acs because there is some form of civilization around but they weren't catching anything but perch.. and I don't like perch!!! It was a fin weekend!

Can you see my earings in this picture?? I am so proud of them!

I am getting closer to being done with school... I need to figure out how to put a countdown on here!!! haha. Well, I have some bad news... my little hampster died yesterday.. Actually he was mine and Nick's. He was so funny, he would scratch on the side of his cage for your attention and he got along with Ella great. He knew just how to tease her! I have never had a hampster that actually paid attention to a human. I am a freak about pets!!! If you couldn't guess. Well I am not getting any more!!!

I am actually in class right now, and was thinking about you all, but I better get back to work! Have a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nik is a wonderful boyfriend. We love him. It is hard to see exactly what the earrings look like. You should find them online and then link it on you blog. Sounds like you guys had a nice time fishing. Yeah...school is almost over for you... how wonderful. Then you will have to join the wonderful world of the full times employed. GrandmaCJ loves you...